

The System Framework

The Structure of The System


  1. URL:  shows the current address of where you are within the system.
  2. Hamburger icon: Its function is to toggle a menu or navigation bar between being collapsed behind the button or displayed on the screen. The hamburger icon allows you to hide and show the main menu column.
  3. Logo: the symbol or emblem used by the system.
  4. Picture Image: your profile picture.
  5. User logged in: your name and surname.
  6. Notifications: notifications are alerts you will get when using the system. You will get pop-up notifications when:
      • Adding any new entry
      • Editing or updating any entry
      • Deleting or removing any entry
      • Assigning and unassigning evaluators, and proctors to candidates
      • Validating examination
      • Publishing, unpublishing and archiving examinations.
      • Configuring 
    • All notifications will pop up on the highlighted top section.
      • Pop-up notifications displaying in red alert you that there has been an error and the system does not accept it, outlining what the error was.
      • Pop-up notifications displaying in green alert you that your changes were successfully accepted and saved.
  7. Dashboard: the dashboard provides at-a-glance, views of key performance indicators relevant to the system/platform. The dashboard displays the sections that are found on the system.
  8. Page header: a page header is text that is separated from the body text and appears at the top of a printed page. The main menu section has a list of modules displaying, if you click on a module from the main menu, the module title/subtitle will display on the page header section.
  9. Text: A search box with the dedicated function of accepting user input to be searched for in a database.
  10. Search button: once you have typed in what you want to search, you then click on the search button to retrieve your search results.
  11. Main menu: the section where all modules available in your platform are displayed.
  12. Working area: this is your working area, where the main system function takes place.
  13. Pagination: the numbers used to indicate the sequence of pages, showing only pages that have a list of records.
  14. Footer: the page footer is a section located under the main text, at the end of the page. This is where you will see the Privacy policy and terms of use of the system.